Friday, October 04, 2024

Innovative Models for Improving Access and Visibility for Specialty-Lite and Retail Therapies

Today’s guest post comes from Timothy Nielsen, Vice President of Customer Success at AssistRx.

Timothy discusses the affordability and patient journey challenges of specialty-lite products for patients, manufacturers, and health care providers. He explains how AssistRx's Advanced Access Anywhere (AAA) solution streamlines processes for specialty-lite products and facilitates enrollment via a digital hub.

To learn more, register for AssistRx's free webinar on October 8: Meet Your Patients Where They Are & Gain Visibility: Even at Retail.

Read on for Timothy’s insights.

Innovative Models for Improving Access and Visibility for Specialty-Lite and Retail Therapies
Eliminate the enrollment form, accelerate speed to therapy and facilitate access from anywhere.
By Timothy Nielsen, Vice President of Customer Success, AssistRx

Positioned between the specialty and retail spaces, specialty-lite therapies are often dispensed through the retail channel, require “lite” specialty services such as access and reimbursement support, and have a wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) that is higher than retail products but lower than specialty products. Drugs in this category can negatively impact patient affordability while limiting life sciences organizations’ budget for patient support services that could address patient access and affordability challenges.

WAC overall is on the rise. According to the California Department of Health Care Access and Information, in 2023, 83.9% of drugs launched to the market were introduced with a WAC greater than $1,000, indicating a correlating rise of therapies fitting into the specialty-lite category.

Often, dispensing of specialty-lite products through the retail channel can limit life sciences organizations’ visibility into the patient journey. This pathway can also reduce opportunities to connect patients to support programs, as many specialty pharmacies are familiar with supporting these programs and processes while retail pharmacies are not.

Further, specialty-lite therapies are prescribed by healthcare providers (HCPs)—such as primary care physicians rather than specialists—who may not be familiar with the access hurdles, patient support programs and processes that accompany these therapies. These HCPs and their office staff can be ill-prepared to support patients through specialty-lite drugs’ coverage challenges, prior authorization (PA) requirements and financial burdens, potentially leading to patient abandonment or non-adherence.

To overcome these challenges, life sciences organizations require solutions that strike the perfect balance of tech and talent to meet the nuanced needs of their customers while delivering visibility into the patient journey to make data-driven decisions about their programs.


Specialty-lite and retail brands under pharmacy benefit seeking more patient support program enrollments, faster dispenses and greater visibility into the patient journey need a solution that enables HCPs and pharmacies to remain in their workflows and meet patients where and when they are ready to take action.

A first-of-its kind solution, AssistRx’s Advanced Access Anywhere (AAA) triggers automated access services at the point of the pharmacy claim. Combining proprietary technology with a 63,000+ location nationwide pharmacy network, AAA eliminates the enrollment form, accelerates speed to therapy, and facilitates access from anywhere.

Using AAA’s streamlined pharmacy claim submission process, HCPs simply give patients a service card to provide to their pharmacy, the pharmacy uses the card to run the claim, and the claim immediately triggers AssistRx’s Advanced eServices such as eEnrollment, ABV and APA as well as real-time eligibility screening and enrollment into affordability programs. With AAA, patients can be enrolled into a copay assistance, PAP or quick start program in seconds—supporting a simple and swift brand experience. By delivering real-time, comprehensive insights that support a holistic view of the brand’s patient population, AAA supports strategic direct-to-consumer engagement initiatives and program optimization.

For a life sciences organization manufacturing a retail antiviral drug facing low patient enrollment and lack of visibility into the prescription, AAA streamlined the enrollment process by kicking off Advanced eServices in under seven seconds. This reduced dispense turnaround time (TAT) to a matter of minutes and ensured that 98% of patients enrolled in the drug’s PSP received their medication within 24 hours.


Navigating PAs and appeals processes, enrolling patients into patient support programs and determining financial assistance availability can be cumbersome tasks for HCP offices new to prescribing specialty-lite drugs—especially when doing so requires them to leave their workflow. Requiring HCPs to deviate from their normal workflow may discourage them from prescribing the therapy at all.

CoAssist, AssistRx’s digital hub solution, kicks off automated therapy initiation solutions via ePrescription. Once an HCP ePrescribes to CoAssist within their EHR, CoAssist automatically triggers Advanced eServices such as Advanced Benefit Verification (ABV), Advanced Prior Authorization (APA), eEnrollment, eConsent and more without requiring HCPs to leave their workflow.

CoAssist also features a select pharmacy network—including commercial, free drug and consignment pharmacies—to uphold the clinical decision, support access for all patient coverage types, facilitate visibility to the patient journey, and deploy the necessary tech and expertise to evolve the program alongside the product lifecycle.

For one life sciences organization challenged with long TATs, CoAssist decreased patient outreach TAT from 19 minutes to 12 seconds, with 50% of PA responses returned within one hour. Ultimately, utilizing CoAssist increased speed to therapy from 12.2 days to 3.7 days, enabling better patient results.

Life sciences organizations need a partner that can provide the solutions that best support all their patient and HCP populations. By combining tech-first solutions that meet patients, HCPs and pharmacies in their workflows with data-driven talent expertise, AssistRx optimizes program performance and delivers differentiated experiences.

Learn how to build a strategy that supports visibility and access at the retail channel by registering for our webinar, Meet Your Patients Where They Are & Gain Visibility: Even at Retail, live on Oct. 8 at 1 p.m. ET.

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