Friday, May 20, 2011

Pharma Sales Reps: The Sitcom!

Following in the illustrious footsteps of the movie Love and Other Drugs, ABC will be launching a new sitcom next year about pharmaceutical sales reps called Work It.

No, this is not a joke. But there's a twist to this self-described "high-concept comedy":
With unemployment an ongoing issue and women now outnumbering men in the workforce, the new comedy series "Work It" follows two alpha males who realize the only way to beat the current "mancession" and land a job in pharmaceutical sales is to pass themselves off as women.
Um, yeah, that sounds like a realistic depiction of life at a pharmaceutical company. Or perhaps some of my clients are hiding a secret...

Check out the video clip below. I'm making the bold prediction that this show will neither win an Emmy award nor be featured on the PhRMA web site.

Click here if you can't see the video below.

Hat tip to Ed Silverman, the cross-dressing alpha male at Pharmalot.