Wednesday, June 11, 2008

An AMP Fix for Rural Pharmacies

Pharmacist trade associations are pursuing an aggressive, take-no-prisoners approach to “fixing” the Average Manufacturer Price (AMP) situation by citing the dangers to patient access if rural independents fail.

In fact, two recent studies support the idea that some rural communities could face access challenges if the local pharmacy closes. However, less than one percent of the U.S. population faces potential access problems and there are less than 2,000 at-risk rural pharmacies. In other words, the problem appears to be smaller and more fixable than pharmacy industry rhetoric.

So why not solve the rural access problem with a targeted solution for at-risk pharmacies that would cost much less and thereby have a greater chance of success? Rural pharmacists should be asking this question.


Eric Shields, Pharm.D., maintains a blog and website for Montana pharmacists called GrizRPh. Eric is a self-confessed “avid fan of Drug Channels” (thanks!), but feels that I underestimate the dangers to rural pharmacies from AMP.

In an exchange with me following a recent GrizRPh blog post, Eric makes two compelling points about rural pharmacies:

  • Access to healthcare would be compromised if a town’s only pharmacy closes and there are no viable alternatives within a reasonable driving distance.
  • Pharmacies in rural communities can’t get bigger (as I suggest in Pharmacy Profits & Part D) because they serve small, fixed rural populations that are not growing.

These are very legitimate access issues for individual pharmacies, such as the store where Eric works now. Tobey Schule, RPh (owner of Sykes Pharmacy in Kalispell, MT) testified in May 2007 before the Senate Committee on Finance about the unique challenges facing his rural pharmacy. (Click here to read his testimony.)


Alas, the plural of anecdote is not data.

To assess the prevalence of rural access problems, I found two recent studies that attempt to quantify the impact of access on individual communities or consumers. There may be more, but these two illustrate the situation.

  • Consumer Access to Pharmacies in the United States – “Independent pharmacy consumers in rural areas typically have access to 14 competing pharmacies located with 15 miles of their current pharmacy.” This study was funded by the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association and cited by PWC in its study.

In other words, these studies imply fewer access problems than the exaggerated claims that 11,105 pharmacies will close due to AMP.


If rural access is the real problem, then let’s find a solution to that problem.

How about we ask states to designate rural pharmacies that are the sole provider in a community as Critical Access Pharmacies (CAP)? These pharmacies would be eligible for higher dispensing fees that would be set based on the pharmacy’s cost accounting data. There should be about 1,000 to 2,000 such pharmacies in the U.S.

There is CMS precedent for this policy. Medicare designates approximately 1,300 small hospitals as Critical Access Hospitals (CAH). According to this MedPAC briefing document, CAHs are limited to 25 beds and primarily operate in rural areas. To qualify for the CAH program, a hospital had to be at least 15 miles by secondary road and 35 miles by primary road from the nearest hospital. States can also waive the distance requirement for a hospital declared to be a “necessary provider.”

Unlike traditional hospitals (which are paid under prospective payment systems), Medicare pays CAHs based on each hospital’s reported costs. Each CAH receives 101 percent of its costs for outpatient, inpatient, laboratory and therapy services, as well as post-acute care in the hospital’s swing beds.


NACDS, NCPA, or FMI are pursuing an aggressive, take-no-prisoners approach to a legislative AMP “fix.”

An alternative approach would be to advocate with Congress and/or CMS for a targeted, solution aimed at mitigating the specific risk of rural access. Judging by the studies cited above, a targeted CAP program would have much lower costs than an all-or-nothing AMP rollback. Therefore, it would be more palatable to lawmakers and perhaps more likely to get enacted.

My web traffic shows many readers of Drug Channels in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Perhaps they can help pharmacy craft a winning solution for rural pharmacists.

Back to you, Eric.